The 80/20 Rule for SKUs
Officially known as a ‘Stock Keeping Unit’, a SKU number is used to keep track of a business’s inventory. Especially useful for omni-channel...
Q&A with Pio
Q: What is warehouse automation? A: Warehouse automation uses technology to replace tedious, repetitive warehouse tasks with automated systems....
P100 vs. WMS: Do I need both?
A lot of people ask us if Pio is a replacement for their WMS. Usually, a Pio system eliminates the need for a warehouse management system (WMS), but...
How Pio helps you achieve a swift ROI
Pio revolutionizes your entire warehouse across function, process, and design. By maximizing key resources, our automated system helps you save money...
Expert Tips on Moving Warehouses
Decisive movements help you stay ahead. In the fast-paced world of fashion and ecommerce, quick and informed decision-making is more important than...
Is Pio energy efficient?
High energy costs can challenge the sustainability of your business – both financially and environmentally. Andreas Doppelmayr, who uses Pio for his...
Juggling Logistics
For those working in fast-paced industries such as fashion retail and e-commerce, actions speak louder than words. Keeping track of logistics and...
5 reasons you're losing customers
Your ability to remain independent as a business relies not only on your ability to reach new customers, but also on earning the loyalty of previous...
Pio at NRF
Pio's presence at NRF 2023 marked our official launch in the US. Over the course of the 3 day event, our team had the privilege to speak to hundreds...
Pio's Founders: A Shared Vision
Meet Pio's founders: Magne Hatteland and Simen Aarseth. Together, they bring decades of industry experience to the leadership team. Magne has spent...
Meet Pio at NRF in NYC
For over two decades, the world’s largest corporations have been able to make significant investments into automating their logistics — increasing...
Meet Our Piople: Jonathan
Jonathan’s path to Pio began with a summer internship at AutoStore three years ago. This experience led him to base his bachelor’s thesis on...