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Your ability to remain independent as a business relies not only on your ability to reach new customers, but also on earning the loyalty of previous customers and bringing them back to shop with you – the memory of a positive experience fresh in their minds. 

This is easier said than done, with seemingly endless competition and cost-cutting maneuvers from the big players. We've put together a list of resources that reveal common mistakes that are losing you customers:


1. You underestimate the power of a loyal customer base
Poor customer retention keeps your business stagnant and costs you money. — via Invesp

2. Customers can’t reach you when they need help
Few things are more frustrating than having to explain your problem to multiple people and finding that none of them have the power to help you. — via Wired

3. New customers are treated better
Are you attracting new customers with special offers and discounts, offers your most loyal customers don't get? — via Forbes

4. Not meeting Customers’ High Expectations
Slow delivery times and inaccurate box contents are some of the most frustrating aspects of internet shopping. — via Fast Company

5. You fail to understand individual needs, wants, and desires
You need to give personalized customer service and offers. — via TNS