Pio Blog

How Pio helps you achieve a swift ROI

Written by Ian O'Malley | May 16, 2023 8:46:00 PM

Pio revolutionizes your entire warehouse across function, process, and design. By maximizing key resources, our automated system helps you save money in the long run, enabling a quick return on investment.

Let’s take a deeper dive into how this is possible.


Less Rent

  • Pio unlocks up to 10x more space. This could either allow you to move to a smaller, more affordable space, or allow you to expand operations within your current space. By going smaller, you'd also be saving on overall maintenance, building taxes, insurance, and other associated costs.
  • Brands who've adopted Pio for their warehouses have leveraged the newfound space by subletting it to other businesses, sharing costs to reduce costs.

Less energy

  • Our robots run in the dark, which cuts down on the need for lighting-related electricity costs.
  • You’ll also save on climate control costs, since the robots and grid don't feel the effects of cold or hot weather the way people do.
  • Our energy-efficient robots use about as much power as a desktop computer. Our customers have actually seen a reduction in energy costs simply by turning the lights off and adjusting the thermostat.


Faster pick & pack

  • Pio helps you pick and pack up to 5x faster than you could manually, so people spend significantly fewer hours on this traditionally time-consuming task.
  • Depending on your throughput and your current staffing levels, Pio can enable you to require up to 80% less labor.

Faster inbound (Put-away & Returns)

  • Process inbound goods over twice as fast, and more accurately than with traditional methods. This greater efficiency adds up to less money spent.

Pio also enables:

  • Fewer staff to manage, so less time required.
  • Less time onboarding and training due to the simplicity of the Pio app.
  • You to scale up quickly during peak periods with less staff than you thought possible.
  • Less time and cost spent on hiring processes.
  • A predictable upfront cost and monthly fee.


Improved accuracy

  • Pio helps your warehouse run with 99.9% accuracy. The "scan in" and "scan out" process combine with an intuitive user interface to all but eliminate picking errors.
  • Greater accuracy not only leads to increased customer satisfaction, but also results in less resources spent fixing mistakes.

No Software Licensing Fees

  • You don’t need a WMS or any other software to use Pio – just your ecommerce platform.
  • There’s no charge to add additional users to Pio. Anyone on your team can be added or removed as needed.
  • An ERP solution is rarely necessary.  

Our customers have seen a return on investment in less than a year, and they'll be continuing to maximize their resources long into the future. Connect with us to see how this could look for you. We'll help you calculate your projected ROI on installing Pio in your warehouse.